Sunday 23 October 2016


Whatever is truly good or bad is exactly what it is regardless of name or packaging or manipulation or legal backing.
People could name and rename or package and repackage things over and again but what it connote and stand for remain the same.
Even if the whole world call anus mouth and vice versa, that does not change the functions of each.
They have only succeeded at switching their names not their purposes and uses.

To call falsehood the truth doesn't change its original meaning.
There is no initiative that could alter divine order whether it is accepted or rejected through legislation or not.
What is right is very powerful, valid and binding than what is legal as anything could be made legal.
Because something (bad) is made legal doesn't make it right.
Law, environment, religion, science, needs, problems, work, civilisation, scheme, time and season cannot redefine mediocrity to mean excellence or change the meaning of lust to love or equate disorder to divine order.

To be guilty of any bad act/habit (and inability to overcome it) is not enough to justify it as a right thing worth doing.
Legalisation of any improper act and questionable lifestyle is abnormal and unprofitable.
Whoever is struggling with negative habits should seek rehabilitation not legalisation of negative practices.
We should strive to gain freedom over doing wrong not freedom to always do wrong.
To be bad and weird is nobody's right.
Human right is within the confines of only what is right.
There is no such right for human beings to do what ought not to be done considered unfitting and repulsive.
Rejection of the acceptable and acceptance of the unacceptable is killing humanity.

Abnormal and worthless acts, conducts, practices, habits and lifestyles remain unnecessary, unbeneficial, shameful, harmful, unworthy of emulation and practice regardless of its promotion via any means and platforms to make it look harmless, enviable, admirable, praiseworthy, profitable and necessary to be adopted as a normal lifestyle.

We profit nothing at confusing ourselves by scheming to turn upside down incontestable order and excellent way of life.
Nothing can be done to make evil divine or make shameful deeds honourable.
Everything is exactly what it is (whether it looked like it or not, believed or not, approved or disapproved). A dead lion is a dead lion not a sleeping lion.
Truth is truth and falsehood is falsehood.
What is wrong is not the same with what is right and should not be promoted anywhere.
Truth is not subject to your opinion or what majority/everybody do, culture and law.

Always maintain a good standing against plethora of confusing and misleading information, law, culture, schemes, practices and lifestyles.
Never be talked (or talk people) into unwholesome practices.
Uphold the right way of life to always do things as established by divine order.
Be a practitioner and advocate of what is acceptable.

_Stephen Olamilekan Jimoh
Advance Everyday life at best

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