Sunday, 9 February 2014


                                     NIGERIANS SAVE NIGERIA
The year 1960 marked the end of FOREIGN COLONIZATION in Nigeria and since independence, Nigeria has been under INDIGENOUS COLONIZATION. Then, who will deliver Nigeria from self enslavement as the era of Nigerians leading Nigeria is becoming unbearable?

If the colonial masters are still in-charge and the state of our nation remain the same till today, we would nail them for destroying Nigeria because they are foreigners. But as it is that we are in our own hands since 1960, what else can we say? May be we should apply to foreign nations for re-colonization to timely save Nigeria of possible national collapse since Nigerians have deliberately refused to make Nigeria great. (Laughing)!

Oh! That is just a joke. Foreign aid at building Nigeria is not necessary because we (all Nigerians) are more than able to deliver our country. The only thing that is required of us is to start giving judiciously towards national transformation which is possible through valid attitudinal rebirth and unequaled patriotism.

Let us timely accept responsibilities to heal our land by living the dream of a better Nigeria for all. We are the solutions! Foreigners cannot make Nigeria great if we fail - they are not responsible for our predicaments. We are our own woes, we are our own foes, we are our own devils and we are our own saviours. As the inventors of our national struggles, we are the solutions! The required national transformation dwells in all of us including the cruelest among Nigerians.

Nigerians save Nigeria!
We are the solutions!

Centenary celebration message from:
@NIGERIAGLOWS - making Nigeria a desired nation for everyone on earth.
Join this movement today.
Be a true Nigerian.
You are a solution.
I am a solution.
We are the solutions!

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