Wednesday, 30 November 2016


Everybody must be passionate about something worthwhile. It could be a job, a career, an invention, an innovation, a movement, a lifestyle or any noble undertaking (usually of great value and benefit to humanity).

To be candid, there is nobody that doesn't have passion for something. The difference lies in what wins individual's heart and the level of passion attached to it. This calls for great caution. It is possible to be passionate about worthless things without knowing it.

What wins your passion?

If what you are passionate about differed to what is right, necessary, noble, pure, beneficial, excellent and praiseworthy; there is need for you to rightly redirect your passion and commitment.

All your concern and commitment should be targeted at solving and preventing problems for self and the rest. A fulfilling life is a well-lived-life thoroughly dedicated to making life better for all.

The essence of individual's existence is to create new things (and renew old things) that should be while those things that ought not to (or shouldn't) be are eradicated/prevented.

Your entire life should be dedicated to bringing value to the table by being the angel that brightens people's moment.

_Stephen Olamilekan Jimoh
Advance Everyday life at best

Sunday, 6 November 2016


The best aid/charity given to the poor is not complete without empowering their minds and will to overcome poverty.

To feed people's mouth without feeding their souls with sound knowledge and building enabling environment for better performances and highest productivity profits little.

We cannot help people to achieve financial freedom and a great life if we don't enlighten them to dream big and be driven to take the right steps.

It is quite limiting to always be on the look out for people that will give you free fishes instead of bracing up to always fish for yourself by yourself.

Whatever you get from anybody should be a plus - an addition to what you already have not what your survival hang on lest you are stuck if nothing is forthcoming from anybody.

Your life should always challenge and inspires those found wanting to be responsible for their lives following your excellence.

As good charity is, it could also be very destructive to the recipients if care is not taken. Many beneficiaries of charity have relinquished themselves from taking responsibility for their lives.

All mentally balanced professional beggars everywhere are potential great achievers whose minds need to be delivered. It will amaze the world the very best most of them will become when there is no room for begging to live anymore.

People usually relax doing nothing to earn a living when it is very sure someone will sort them out. But when no such fixed support system is available, they don't hesitate to take charge of their welfare.

Infact, those who indulge in idleness under the pretext of job scarcity need mind renewal. A lot of people are idle not necessarily because there is no job but because they are probably unwilling to work. Little do they know that the main reason there is job scarcity is for them to be inspired, provoked and quickened to create jobs.

It is unprofitable for anybody to abandon his/her life project to charity, alms begging, support systems, living on others, illegal exploits, government intervention and possible inheritance in view.

The needy and helpless should be helped by giving them food and necessary material things so they could be healthy, well kempt, strengthened to be physically and mentally fit while they are equipped with necessary information and tools to thrive in life. By feeding their mouths and minds, they will in turn feed themselves.

_Stephen Olamilekan Jimoh
Advance Everyday life at best