Thursday, 29 December 2016


Stephen Dick wrote: "The thieves ain't our problem. The society that lets them get away with it is".
From this profound statement, it is not wrong to say: a society that lets thieves get away with stealing is full of thieves.

Only thieves support and defend thieves.
Only thieves unduly spare and unnecessarily pardon thieves.
Only thieves are unperturbed about prevalent and incessant stealing in every facet of the society.
Only thieves shield the thieves in their circle while they prosecute (or call on the authority to prosecute) other thieves.
Only thieves raise eyebrow and cry foul when their own people who are guilty of stealing are penalised.
Only thieves are partial, sentimental, prejudicial, bias and unjust in the fight against stealing and corruption.

Worst of it all is the exclusion of looting, corruption and malpractices often perpetrated by public office holders from list of criminal offences in some places as shown by body language and expressions of those in question and majority of citizens.

The undoing of any society is to classify stealing into categories by rating one/some higher, honourable and acceptable than others. In the real sense, all wrong doings and malpractices (regardless of its degree and what caused it) should be condemned.

When perpetrators of 'official robbery' (any stealing involving government officials and political office holders) are still given accolades and celebrated while 'domestic stealing' is frowned at by melting out jungle justice to people who steal gari, rice, yam, meat et al because of hunger; it is a proof that the people of the land lack right judgement and are cowards.

Who deserves jungle justice between looters of public treasury who escape civil justice and ordinary citizens who steal food not to die of hunger? Don't you know that diversion of public funds to private purses contributes greatly to economy collapse, scarcity, hardship and also, influence many to employ illegality for survival?

In as much that hungry boy who steal a module of gari would be burnt alive by angry mob, the same punishment should be extended to everyone who steal from public fund under the pretext of serving as public servants. It is of cowards and miserable people to unleash jungle justice on hungry people who steal food at the market place while they watch corrupt citizens freely loot their commonwealth without giving them jungle justice if civil justice is ineffective. Only thieves let thieves get away with stealing.

_Stephen Olamilekan Jimoh
Advance Everyday life at best

Tuesday, 20 December 2016


Some people came to the world and proved that everything is impossible by doing nothing. Some others came and proved that everything is possible by doing the impossible.

Perhaps there is any good thing you still think is impossible for you, your nation and the rest of humanity to do, to have, to enjoy and become; I beseech you to alter that faulty believe system. The very best is possible no matter how difficult and impossible it appears. Even the poorest persons and most backward nations can turnaround to undergo changes and become highly successful (it is left to those concerned to take the right steps). I give it to you; if you can dare, you will soar higher.

As a brand new year 2017 presents itself to you on a platter of gold with limitless opportunities and endless possibilities, get your groove on to sing and dance to its melodies. Let doubt of doing well cease in your mind, believe you can do well and build up to be at best performances for yourself, the people in your life, your community and the rest of the world to thrive without hurdles.

The year 2017 is all yours! Go ahead with that strong conviction and relevant preparation for your goodness, wellness and greatness to inspire the world.

_Stephen Olamilekan Jimoh
Advance Everyday life at best

Saturday, 17 December 2016


Why a lot of leaders failed to deliver excellent leadership is not farfetched.
Perhaps you are considering becoming a leader in your community or any setting; careful evaluation of your way of life, what prompted your interest in leadership and how you intend to become a leader among other factors settles it.

In clear terms, the 3 major foundational reasons for leadership failure are:
i. Lifestyle.
ii. Motive for pursuing leadership position.
iii. Strategies employed to become a leader.

By someone's lifestyle, you can tell it all how the person is most likely to coordinate himself peradventure he/she secures a leadership role. Whatever a person has given his/her life to is a major factor that is key to his performance in any undertaking. Prejudicial, oppressive, deceptive, wasteful and unpatriotic lifestyle is counter productive to excellence in leadership.

If you pursue power for the love of power and the privileges of power not for the love of the people, their welfare and posterity; you cannot deliver excellent leadership. It is impossible to serve people better than the value you place on them.

"Whoever wins election on the platter of injustice is already incapacitated of delivering justice" as I stated in the article: To All Winners At The Poll Everywhere. Without having respect for due process and following right procedures to get things done, you are most unlikely to promote it eventually you become a leader.

'Truth bi say: person wey no sabi road no fit lead the way' (i.e. whoever doesn't know the way cannot lead others through the way). To stand up for truth, justice, equity, fairness, peace and collective prosperity in leadership; you must have been a staunch believer and practitioner of it prior to becoming a leader.

A very strong foundation is laid for success in leadership by getting right our lifestyles, motives and strategies employed in the pursuit of leadership. There is no shortcut to leadership success. Whoever is not excellent at leading an impactful life by adding real value to people prior to becoming a leader cannot do otherwise thereafter.

_Stephen Olamilekan Jimoh
Advance Everyday life at best

Friday, 16 December 2016


(Note: This piece serves as my congratulatory message and charge to whoever becomes winner during election to serve at any level of leadership in his nation.)

I rejoice with you at your success during the election as winner showing that you are the most preferred for the job. Your courage and tenacity all through the way until the election is concluded in your favour is a proof that you can excel in the task ahead if you are willing.

As I congratulates you, I humbly beseech you to accept my little charge to further quicken your preparedness and readiness to deliver good leadership.

May your victory at the poll be the victory of entire citizens of your country not for yourself over the citizens. Your emergence as a leader is expected to be a great blessing to everyone so much no voter would regret voting for you.

The question is: Are you doing it for the love of people, their welfare and posterity or for the love of power and the privileges of power? Except you are in power for/with the love of the people well rooted in your heart, you cannot deliver excellent leadership.

How you become a leader gives a picture of how you will serve. If your victory at the poll is made possible through malpractices; you have failed even before your swearing in. Whoever wins election on the platter of injustice is already incapacitated of delivering justice.

On this note, by a way of wishing you good success - I leave you to reflect deeply on the following profound statements to set the right perspectives.

The victory of every winner at the poll should be the victory of entire citizens not the winners' victory over the rest citizens.

Leaders are meant to salvage the system not to ravage the system.

Every new leader is expected to make things better for all not worse for anyone (including those who voted against him/her).

Incoming regime should be a continuity of good works started by outgoing regime in keeping with execution of new programmes.

As a new leader, serve in such a way that voters would be grateful they voted for you. Your main aim should be to serve not to be served. Let voters' investment on your victory and people's congratulatory messages count. Give yourself wholly to your duties. Success at the poll does not guarantee or equal success in office.

_Stephen Olamilekan Jimoh
Advance Everyday life at best

Wednesday, 7 December 2016


People off the field are better players in their own eyes than people on the field. Like in a game or any sporting activity (say a football match), spectators are the best players.

Meanwhile, the same way it is in football so it is in every job, task or undertaking. If you are not on the field, you don't feel the heat (i.e. the plight: problems, pressure, tension and agitation of those on the field).

Those who are not directly incharge (e.g. of: organising a program/event, a group/association, an enterprise, an institution and most importantly, public affairs), usually think the people incharge are under performing or lack the know how.

Since "some people don’t understand the burden of leadership" as hinted by Nasir Ahmad El-Rufai, they blindly write off everyone in leadership. A lot of people make negative assertion about performances of others because they don't figure out what the task(s) in question entails and it's likely challenges.

At times, field workers are unduly maltreated for low performances by their superiors who is inside air conditioned office watching TV or surfing Internet without slight idea of the situation on the field.
At other times, staffs/subordinates hold their superiors/employers in bad light for their inability to meet up certain responsibilities without an idea of how challenging it is to sit as a manager or an employer of labour considering the risk involved.

It is very easy to spot the failure of those doing the job and 'bad-named' them, even when you cannot do as much they have done or they are doing. Everyone doing the job faces different challenges on the job that is beyond your imagination if you are not in their shoes.

At this junction, let me issue a disclaimer that this is not to shield anyone who is not delivering best performances at work or any undertaking but to set the right perspective for all.

To conclude people who are doing their best at something worthwhile are doing rubbish when you are busy at nothing is unacceptable. Would you have done better given the same task if at all you are able to function at their level of performance?

Spectators are the best players. A know-nothing thinks he knows it all. A do-nothing thinks he is good at everything.

_Stephen Olamilekan Jimoh
Advance Everyday life at best

Wednesday, 30 November 2016


Everybody must be passionate about something worthwhile. It could be a job, a career, an invention, an innovation, a movement, a lifestyle or any noble undertaking (usually of great value and benefit to humanity).

To be candid, there is nobody that doesn't have passion for something. The difference lies in what wins individual's heart and the level of passion attached to it. This calls for great caution. It is possible to be passionate about worthless things without knowing it.

What wins your passion?

If what you are passionate about differed to what is right, necessary, noble, pure, beneficial, excellent and praiseworthy; there is need for you to rightly redirect your passion and commitment.

All your concern and commitment should be targeted at solving and preventing problems for self and the rest. A fulfilling life is a well-lived-life thoroughly dedicated to making life better for all.

The essence of individual's existence is to create new things (and renew old things) that should be while those things that ought not to (or shouldn't) be are eradicated/prevented.

Your entire life should be dedicated to bringing value to the table by being the angel that brightens people's moment.

_Stephen Olamilekan Jimoh
Advance Everyday life at best

Sunday, 6 November 2016


The best aid/charity given to the poor is not complete without empowering their minds and will to overcome poverty.

To feed people's mouth without feeding their souls with sound knowledge and building enabling environment for better performances and highest productivity profits little.

We cannot help people to achieve financial freedom and a great life if we don't enlighten them to dream big and be driven to take the right steps.

It is quite limiting to always be on the look out for people that will give you free fishes instead of bracing up to always fish for yourself by yourself.

Whatever you get from anybody should be a plus - an addition to what you already have not what your survival hang on lest you are stuck if nothing is forthcoming from anybody.

Your life should always challenge and inspires those found wanting to be responsible for their lives following your excellence.

As good charity is, it could also be very destructive to the recipients if care is not taken. Many beneficiaries of charity have relinquished themselves from taking responsibility for their lives.

All mentally balanced professional beggars everywhere are potential great achievers whose minds need to be delivered. It will amaze the world the very best most of them will become when there is no room for begging to live anymore.

People usually relax doing nothing to earn a living when it is very sure someone will sort them out. But when no such fixed support system is available, they don't hesitate to take charge of their welfare.

Infact, those who indulge in idleness under the pretext of job scarcity need mind renewal. A lot of people are idle not necessarily because there is no job but because they are probably unwilling to work. Little do they know that the main reason there is job scarcity is for them to be inspired, provoked and quickened to create jobs.

It is unprofitable for anybody to abandon his/her life project to charity, alms begging, support systems, living on others, illegal exploits, government intervention and possible inheritance in view.

The needy and helpless should be helped by giving them food and necessary material things so they could be healthy, well kempt, strengthened to be physically and mentally fit while they are equipped with necessary information and tools to thrive in life. By feeding their mouths and minds, they will in turn feed themselves.

_Stephen Olamilekan Jimoh
Advance Everyday life at best

Thursday, 27 October 2016


Always do good cheerfully from your heart to be greatly blessed.

Many people have missed the reward of kind gestures and good works because it was done without their hearts in it.

To do good/well with ulterior motive is not well meaning and doesn't profit the doer.

If you should help someone, do it wholeheartedly without questionable intent, suggestive attitude and unnecessary expectations.

Acts of kindness and favour done with bad attitude is void of blessing.

Let your kindness bring you blessing. Show kindness acceptably to the right persons in the right place at the right time for the right reason(s) with the right heart and correct attitude.

Continually do good in a way that you would be blessed by it, through it, in it, after it and for it. For no reason should you rob yourself of the blessing of well doing.

_Stephen Olamilekan Jimoh
Advance Everyday life at best

Sunday, 23 October 2016


Whatever is truly good or bad is exactly what it is regardless of name or packaging or manipulation or legal backing.
People could name and rename or package and repackage things over and again but what it connote and stand for remain the same.
Even if the whole world call anus mouth and vice versa, that does not change the functions of each.
They have only succeeded at switching their names not their purposes and uses.

To call falsehood the truth doesn't change its original meaning.
There is no initiative that could alter divine order whether it is accepted or rejected through legislation or not.
What is right is very powerful, valid and binding than what is legal as anything could be made legal.
Because something (bad) is made legal doesn't make it right.
Law, environment, religion, science, needs, problems, work, civilisation, scheme, time and season cannot redefine mediocrity to mean excellence or change the meaning of lust to love or equate disorder to divine order.

To be guilty of any bad act/habit (and inability to overcome it) is not enough to justify it as a right thing worth doing.
Legalisation of any improper act and questionable lifestyle is abnormal and unprofitable.
Whoever is struggling with negative habits should seek rehabilitation not legalisation of negative practices.
We should strive to gain freedom over doing wrong not freedom to always do wrong.
To be bad and weird is nobody's right.
Human right is within the confines of only what is right.
There is no such right for human beings to do what ought not to be done considered unfitting and repulsive.
Rejection of the acceptable and acceptance of the unacceptable is killing humanity.

Abnormal and worthless acts, conducts, practices, habits and lifestyles remain unnecessary, unbeneficial, shameful, harmful, unworthy of emulation and practice regardless of its promotion via any means and platforms to make it look harmless, enviable, admirable, praiseworthy, profitable and necessary to be adopted as a normal lifestyle.

We profit nothing at confusing ourselves by scheming to turn upside down incontestable order and excellent way of life.
Nothing can be done to make evil divine or make shameful deeds honourable.
Everything is exactly what it is (whether it looked like it or not, believed or not, approved or disapproved). A dead lion is a dead lion not a sleeping lion.
Truth is truth and falsehood is falsehood.
What is wrong is not the same with what is right and should not be promoted anywhere.
Truth is not subject to your opinion or what majority/everybody do, culture and law.

Always maintain a good standing against plethora of confusing and misleading information, law, culture, schemes, practices and lifestyles.
Never be talked (or talk people) into unwholesome practices.
Uphold the right way of life to always do things as established by divine order.
Be a practitioner and advocate of what is acceptable.

_Stephen Olamilekan Jimoh
Advance Everyday life at best

Sunday, 16 October 2016


Everybody says no person does/is good.
Everybody claims all the people are evil.
Everybody explains how everyone is like devil.

None is faithful.
None is reliable.
None is truthful.
All have embraced falsehood!
Goes the lamentation of entire manhood.
Like none is just in every neighbourhood.

As each laments people are mean, I wonders; what they mean.
May be they don't know they have given themselves bad label too.
Or are they not included in the generality of people?
If you say mankind is unkind remember, you are a part of (not apart from) mankind.

To believe every person is an evil doer reveals volume about who you are.
No individual is contrary to what he calls people.
You are exactly your label on humanity.

The reason some people wrong label everybody is not farfetched.
We usually see others through magnified lenses of who we are.
If you are not good, you easily conclude every other person is bad.

What you label people is most likely to be your experience with them afterwards.
You prophesy doom upon yourself by declaring every human being is evil.
Anything you tag generality of mankind comes back to you.
Infact, it is better and safer to generalise good instead of evil.
Likewise, it is best to see and treat each person as an entity (not all).

Truly, there are bad people everywhere but there are also good people everywhere.
This calls for better understanding and discernment.
"When you close your eyes that wicked people should pass by, good people will also pass by without knowing" according to a Yoruba adage.

Mind you, you attracts what/who you focus on.
When you focus only on the bad, everything is bad in your sight including what is good.
Should good people come your way, you are most likely to term their good works 'evil in disguise' if you don't believe there are still good people on earth.

Be careful what you say about all based on your experience with one/few.
It is totally unacceptable to conclude others are bad because one made you sad as if none makes you glad.

Irrespective of what you or another suffered in the hand of somebody or some people; is not a yardstick to conclude all human beings are harmful.

Generalisation of evil has no root.
To say everybody is cruel doesn't rule out that someone somewhere still mean/do well.

Several encounters and dealings with all (which is impossible) is required to conclude all of us are the same bad people.

On this note; don't fall to temptation of generalising wrong things on everybody.
Never speak of humanity in a bad light.
Put good labels on people.
Say people are good instead of saying people are evil.
If anyone maintains that mankind is evil, ask the person: who are you? Then, answer the question by saying: you are whatever you say people are! Proceed to give him relevant enlightenment like the content of this piece.

_Stephen Olamilekan Jimoh
Advance Everyday life at best

Wednesday, 12 October 2016


Strictly for those who care to know the truth.

God will never show up to end corruption and gross wickedness in Nigeria or anywhere on earth unless everyone concerned act accordingly.

When we resolved to prayer in a bid to cause a change that we are unwilling to make happen, we make mockery of ourselves.

Prayer changes things that those offering the prayer are resolute and dared to change. Prayer cannot change you if you don't change yourself.

The other time Nigerians wanted to change those in government, they voted in their preferred candidates during 2015 general election. Though many Nigerians prayed to God but they made it happened by themselves. God didn't go to the poll - besides, He didn't have voters card.

Now that Nigerians want to change poor governance and wrong attitude of Nigerians towards national affairs; fasting and prayer are rendered impotent if Nigerians refused to do what is right.

Infact, the change needed in Nigeria answers to genuine repentance not prayer. It doesn't matter how much and how long we pray, we are only fooling ourselves without mind renewal.

If an average Nigerian effect repentance now, the long awaited transformation of Nigeria will be so swift. But if we think it is all up to God and we have no part to play, things get worse. Especially, when the unrepentant architects (and perpetrators) of corruption and backwardness are also calling for prayer for a better Nigeria. Meanwhile, grace and prayer cannot be substituted for lawlessness and malpractices.

Nigerians should not just pray to cause change, Nigerians should repent to cause change. Prayer cannot make Nigeria great if Nigerians don't make Nigeria great.

_Stephen Olamilekan Jimoh
Advance Everyday life at best

For more life giving and personal/global advancement resources, visit:

Tuesday, 4 October 2016


Any people with the attitude of "every man for himself", are collectively a bunch of failure irrespective of how much individual of them is able to achieve for himself.

If each of us is successful and all of us is unsuccessful; we have all failed.

Personal success is not complete without collective success.

Come to think of it, our collective ability and possibility to succeed together is more than individual's.

Since good things are possible for a person, better things are possible for an organisation and best things are possible for a nation while the very best is achievable for entire humanity.

However, it is only people with one mind that can achieve more together. Should one of them conquers a city, all of them will put nations to flight.

Anywhere individuals successfully build their personal career/business/firm from zero to the top, their nation is expected to do better.

Should what belongs to individuals flourishes while what belongs to all is run down; people's attitude towards public affairs is questionable.

Some people who refused to deliver in public service yet, own/run successful private enterprises are only destroying themselves. Refusal to do what is good/right for the benefit of all is self destructive.

If one of us can succeed as an individual, why should all of us fail as a society? Of a truth, there is no reason for any people to fail.

Collective success should not be handled with levity by anybody. Failure of all is more than failure of one but failure of one is failure of all.

Always do all you should to prevent collective failure. It is more profitable for you to combine together the pursuit of both personal and public success.

Above all, collective success comes first; it is the completion of your personal success.

_Stephen Olamilekan Jimoh
Advance Everyday life at best

Saturday, 1 October 2016


Congratulations Nigerians home and abroad on the remarkable event of our independence from colonial masters since 1st October, 1960.

Thanks be to God for His manifold blessings upon our nation and the rare privilege to still witness this year's celebration through all the thick and thin. Without doubt, there is hope for Nigeria and that hope will not be cut short if we don't give up on ourselves.

You would agree with me that no great nation is/was made in one day. As it takes time to build a successful enterprise so it is with nation building.

However, before any business, organisation and community will be great, everyone concerned must decide to make it great in the first place.

For the long walk to a prosperous Nigeria not to be longer or impossible, all of us should first decide and agree to birth a new Nigeria that is completely free from herself (where every Nigerian counts and no citizen suffers in the hand of the other).

Terrible things Nigeria and Nigerians suffer in the hand of Nigerians far exceeds the evils of our colonial masters against us. This calls for us to timely stop our excesses and embrace right attitude towards collective success. By so doing, our real independence (i.e. freedom from 'self colonising and slavery') is guaranteed.

A criminal found guilty may be freely pardoned in the court of law but if he continues in his wicked ways, he is still in bondage though he is not in chain or jail. Whoever refuses to conquer himself (by failing to stop doing wrong) is a self defeated joker.

It is the right changes we continually make on ourselves to improve our society that set us free. Until we are free from ourselves, by ourselves, for ourselves; we are yet to win the greatest form of independence and freedom as a nation. Freedom from anything/anyone profits little without freedom from oneself.

On this note, I encourage all of us to steadfastly walk and work in one accord to make it all come together for Nigeria by achieving 'national self conquest'. It is only Nigeria that can deliver Nigeria from herself. Self conquest is the key to unlock real independence and true freedom individually and collectively as a people.

_Stephen Olamilekan Jimoh
Advance Everyday life at best

For more life giving, personal and national/global advancement resources, always visit:

Monday, 26 September 2016


No nation has attained absolute perfection. In other words, there is no nation that is 100% perfect. The difference is that while some nations are steadfast at reducing their imperfections, some others continue to increase their own imperfections.

Every country is blessed with all that is required to succeed but for some nations, the citizens lack the right mindset, will, determination, innovation, sense of oneness and sacrifice required to highly maximise available natural resources, human resources, financial resources, intellectual resources, cultural resources and spiritual resources for common good.

This is the reason some nations that are not richly endowed with natural resources whose citizens are very rich at heart and cooperative at working together for common good usually flourish better than some of the nations with favourable climatic conditions, surplus natural and human resources whose citizens are poor, divided and evil at heart.

Without sound mind and smooth working relationship to achieve a common goal among citizens of any nation, there cannot be great achievement.

To have excess of all natural resources in your country is not enough to birth a prosperous nation if majority of your people don't value diligence, creativity, accountability, patriotism, justice, fairness, love, goodness and collective prosperity.

What make a nation great (or fail) is not lack/abundance of natural resources, small/high population, no/single/multiple religions, one/numerous race/tribe/ethinicity and language. It is well meaning, willing, committed, industrious, innovative, truthful, rightful, accountable, fair, patriotic, excellent, loving/lovable and united/unified people that make nations great. Any people without such positive value/virtue get their nation stuck.

If it is impossible for any nation to attain perfection, it is possible for every nation to greatly minimise their imperfections. Consistent massive reduction of imperfections sets a nation on the path of greatness and perfection.

_Stephen Olamilekan Jimoh
Advance Everyday life at best

Sunday, 18 September 2016


Sometimes ago, I was discussing with someone on the need for every human being (including the person and myself) to be creative, innovative and productive to further make life and living easy, pleasant, enjoyable and fulfilling across the world.

To buttress my point, I asked; "how would it have been if inventors/creators of all value added services, products and inventions failed to task themselves to deliver such creativity, innovation and solution to human needs when they did - since nobody asked them to do so?

Definitely life would be far difficult than it has ever been but I was shocked to the bone marrow when the person answered: "if they didn't, some other people will do". As correct the answer may be, it is still very shallow because it has an exemption of the person in the task of innovation.

So, I asked; "why are you not among those other people you claimed will invent/create all the things that were created if their inventors/creators didn't?" Then, I waited for a response from the person but there was none.

The truth of the matter is that, very many people around the world shared the same mindset with that person and I hope you are not one of them. Most people feel others should create while they should only consume. They never think about bringing forth new services and products. Even they don't get inspired and propelled to be creative by their most challenging problems and needs in the world.

I put it to you this way; whatever you need/seek that is yet to be, place a demand on you to timely make it available wherever you are instead of complaining and blaming others for its unavailability.

If you expect someone else to invent, why not you? If others had recorded innovations, why can't you? You have not brought forth an invention, innovation and solution because you don't think like it. Perhaps Mark Zuckerberg didn't fixed his mind on connecting people via internet, the world may never witness the birth of Facebook.

I submit; you too can create new things of great value to human life. It will greatly amaze you at your creativity when you unleash your latent creative/innovative ability. All there is is not all that should or could be. To die with those amazing inventions locked up in your loins is sheer wickedness. Just imagine if there is no electricity or internet or aeroplane or modern medicine or ..... Then, imagine what would become of the world if you don't give birth to the best inside you for the benefit of mankind.

_Stephen Olamilekan Jimoh
Advance Everyday life at best

Sunday, 11 September 2016


Whoever faithfully pays his dues, is highly qualified to enjoy it's fruits in the fullness of time without hassle.

What investments have you made (or are you making) on yourself to be at peak performance in life's endeavours to continually attract, earn and enjoy full dividends ("pressed down shaking together and running over")?

Best result don't answer to poor effort.

Inconsistent performance and commitment don't produce abundant harvest and enjoyment.
Wasteful habits don't make rich.

A man cannot stay there doing nothing/less (or wasting resources) and expect his turn over to be excess.

If you are prudent and diligent at what you do, you are worthy of the rewards of diligence which nobody should object, query or condemn.

Never criticise whoever is lavishly enjoying the fruits of his good labour even in recession (that could be traceable to envy and jealousy on your own part). By the way, the person is not responsible for anybody's predicament. All you need do is to take clue from how he had denied himself gratifications, maximised resources and worked/working with all his might over time that made him to rise above lack and want so much that he can afford anything anytime anywhere. By so doing, you too can rise to such higher echelon and flamboyant enjoyment that knows no recession.

'Pay your dues, eat it's fruits' is a natural and universal law that nothing/nobody can alter, but can only respond to in agreement. It is just like saying; "what a man sow he shall reap".

_Stephen Olamilekan Jimoh
Advance Everyday life at best.

Thursday, 28 July 2016


Any nation whose citizens usually blame every misfortune (including problems traceable to deliberate refusal to always do the necessary) on forces of darkness or foreign influence, don't record outstanding advancement. This is the main reason some third world countries are still backward.

When citizens of any nation don't value relevant knowledge and are unyielding to how well everything should be done, they don't birth the spectacular, individually and collectively.

Devil is known to be the author of every evil but he is not responsible for all evil acts of mankind and all the challenges/sufferings of every person/country. Self inflicted woes are in no way traceable to devil.

People are responsible for their own evil deeds and the consequences. Every individual have his own mind to himself and can do and undo as he wishes.

Corruption and artificial hardship wouldn't have been a stronghold anywhere if the people in question are well meaning and patriotic. Is it not people that decided to become fraudsters and looters or is it devil that loots public treasury? Spirits don't mismanage or embezzle public fund; only human beings are capable of mismanagement and embezzlement.

When you refused to do the right things, you make wrong things happen. Both the deed and the repercussions are your own making, not devil or someone else - even if the idea is/was given to you by another person. All fingers point at me/you/us for my/your/our wrong deeds and their penalties.

This calls for everyone everywhere to be realistic, reasonable, logical, thoughtful and responsible about/for the things they have made and consequently be spurred to align with how things should be made.

Devil don't loot treasury, people do.

Devil don't give or collect bribe, people do.

Devil don't manipulate electoral processes, people do.

Devil don't form terrorist groups, people do.

Devil don't rape people, people rape people.

Devil don't kidnap anybody, people kidnap people.

Devil don't poison people's foods, people poison people's foods.

Devil don't indulge in laziness, people do.

Devil don't produce or sell fake and expired products, people do.

Devil don't indulge in forgery and examination malpractices, people do.

Devil don't dress provocatively or indecently, people do.

Devil don't abuse liquor, drugs or substance; people do.

Devil don't rebel or disobey constituted authority and divine order of countries, people do.

Devil don't perpetrate racism, tribalism, favouritism, favouritism, Nepotism and vandalism; people do.

Devil don't perform ritual murder; people sacrifice fellow human beings for power, fame, wealth and whatever quest.

Devil is not to be blamed for human wickedness and cruelty; it is people that do wickedly against people.

Be careful about any spirit you give a chance to possess you.

When a thief or corrupt person or any criminal is nabbed and proved guilty in the court of law; he is the only one (not devil or demon) that faces the penalty though he or his sympathisers may claim it is the handiwork of devil or demons or evil spirits. Should he be sentenced to life imprisonment or death; he goes there all alone. Devil or spirits don't stay behind bars nor can either be sent to gallows. Only the person that eat sour grape have his teeth set on edge it doesn't matter who give him the grape.

Be thoughtful before you do anything lest you blame your error on the influence of devil or demons or spirits or people.

By now you would understand that you are responsible for the impact of your negative actions on your life and society. This would help you to put your life in the right perspective not to be found wanting because devil is not to be blamed for your lapses.

A people who do not understand that  devil is not to be blamed for their bad, won't be spurred to change their conducts to achieve the best.

Devil or demons are not voters nor does either occupy any electoral offices. When bad people are voted to power, devil is not to be blamed.

People make policies. Wrong policy/bill passed into law with its negative result, is caused by people in charge and devil is not to be blamed.

How an individual or members of a community chose to coordinate their personal and collective affairs is a big deal. Wherever falsehood, injustice, bribery and corruption or any malpractice is/are made adopted norms need no enemies' attack to be destroyed having fallen to self orchestrated downfall. No weapon of warfare does work of massive destruction of a person/people as ignorance (lack of relevant knowledge) and wrong doings.

Friday, 1 July 2016


Good leaders unhesitantly take the challenge to make sure the best life achievable anywhere is also possible in their own communities/nations. Whenever they are opportune to go elsewhere, they keenly observe how things run and take note of whatever is worthwhile that is missing in their own place so they could reproduce the same back at home.

Only bad leaders travel the whole world solely for personal pleasure without being inspired by the excellence of their host nations to ensure their own nations are also built up and measure up to excellent standard. Since they are not interested in the prosperity of their own people; the enjoyment and wonderful experiences they often have in those well organised, well governed, well developed and well secured places don't provoke reflections and thoughtfulness in their hearts to take initiatives for reproducing the same at home.

To worsen the case, instead of taking efforts required to make their homeland a good place to be for people all over; their usual practice is to relocate their own children to those successful nations (under the pretext of security reasons) not minding what becomes of those left behind.

It is not of good leaders to shut their minds against taking clue at the wellness of others to effect the same in the lives of their own people.

Never hesitate to judiciously effect in your life the good you see in others. Never hesitate to make possible in your own country the best life achievable anywhere.

Attempts to build our lives as individuals without building the societies wherein we live or hailed from render us uncompleted.

Development and under development of any nation are deliberate and intentional acts of/by the stakeholders and the rest citizens.

#Pepperish-Food-For-Thought for all national stakeholders across the world especially, leaders and citizens of under developed and developing nations.

_Stephen Olamilekan Jimoh
Advance Everyday life at best

Friday, 27 May 2016


In good conscience, kindness and greatness; I am established.

I blow out in substance, influence, affluence and relevance.

My significance, importance and prominence will not fade out.

I enjoy and spread fortune.

There are always good reports about me.

I am not slack in well doings.

I exhibit only godly values, virtues and principles.

In me is found no evil.

I influence every people to lose appetite for all evils.

My victory is not seasonal.

My blessings are limitless.

My glory remains fresh within me.

My light wanes no more.
I shine with great intensity forever more.

My fame spread all over like the sky.

I am unbreakable like Holy Spirit.

I love like God, l am loveable like dashing angels and loved by all.

I bring forth value added services and products that are not in existence.

I prevent potential problems and solve already existing problems everywhere.

I lead others through the right way of life; cause revolution in my generation, raise instruments of divine intervention across nations for global transformation.

I am built to last and endless is my peace and prosperity.

I remain eternally grateful unto God for my life and my joy has no end.

Monday, 28 March 2016


The subject CHANGE is among the most talked about topics across the world as people often desire change in their; personal lives, organisations, communities and the world at large.

My nation is on this journey for quite a while which has generated a lot of concern from different quarters leaving most people in doubt of its much expected reality.

But it seemed many people don't know that change is not automatic in any setting; it requires relevant mind renewal by everyone expecting or promising change.

Each person's life goes in the direction of his mindset. Likewise, the direction of every nation is determined by the thinking pattern of the citizens.

People don't act in a certain way until they begin to think in that particular way.

Corruption would always prevail as long people fixed their minds on corrupt practices.

Changes of government and changes of policies don't usually change anything anywhere but change of orientation and attitude in the right direction usually do.

If vast majority of citizens are yet to make up their minds not to indulge in criminality, violence and insecurity; there is limit to what security operatives can do to secure the society - especially when security officers are also liable to questionable practices.

Irrespective of measures put in place by government to curb poverty, until those concerned take responsibility to build capacity for productivity and resourcefulness - they continue to live in penury.

Imagine some able bodied individuals becoming career beggars while some people with profound disabilities (excusable from economic activities) refused to give up on themselves but chose to succeed thereby, proved to the world that disability is not a legal licence to be a liability.
What made the difference between the 2 groups is all about their thinking pattern.

Things change when we think change and become the change. Only changed minds change lives and communities.

_Stephen Olamilekan Jimoh
Advance Everyday life at best

Wednesday, 23 March 2016


What do you know? What do you do? How good are you at what you do? Are you well positioned to be patronised for your services? How many people know you for your knowledge, services and expertise?

If you don't have a work/skill or you are not an expert in your field or you are not known for excellent service delivery; you have limited your reach, productivity and earning capacity.


You stand a chance to be patronised for only what you are good at and well known for.

Whatever is of great benefit to people that you have mastered becomes your channel of exchange of value for value. People patronise you for solutions you provides and pay for your services.

Nobody ever take his faulty vehicle to a butcher for repair because the butcher is known for selling meat not car repairs. We rarely attract opportunities outside the confine of our skills and services we render.

This is the more reason for all of us to; have relevant skills, position ourselves for maximum patronage, continually sharpen those skills and be at peak performances in the delivery of our services.

If you faithfully do this, you would be rest assured of always smiling to the bank.

_Stephen Olamilekan Jimoh
Advance Everyday life at best 

Thursday, 17 March 2016


He who could dare to be lazy is very brave, he only need to redirect his bravery to be hard-working.

Why did I say so?

Nothing could be very demanding, difficult, risky, unprofitable, wasteful and painful like laziness. Imagine the repercussions among which are: poverty, limitation, shame and regret.

'Truth bi say person wey bi lazy and fit face the gbege get liver o. Him wey no get mind no fit try am. For where, I no get that kind mind!' I put that statement in Nigerian Pidgin which rightly means: Of a truth, whoever chose to be lazy and stand to bear it's consequences have gut. Someone that is not rugged cannot try it. No way, I don't have the mind!

The price and result of laziness which is the mother of failure far outweighs the price and reward of hard work or diligence. Diligence does not cost a thing and pay off while laziness costs so much and pays nothing.

Laziness requires gut. If you can dare to be lazy, you can dare to be up and doing. Why pay so much to lose so much? Instead, pay necessary price and gain so much more. It is not wise to invest your energy and time on what profit little or nothing.

Mind you, laziness is very subtle and many people are very lazy without knowing it.

A person is not just lazy by doing nothing. Numerous people are always busy yet very lazy and I called them 'strategic lazy people' making them 'invalid busy people'. They usually major in their minor and minor in their major. They are very busy at doing what profit little or nothing.

Refusal to do what is needful as at when due is a full display of laziness. When things of lesser or no value and necessity gain your earnest devotion leaving highly important things unattended to, you are lazy.

_Stephen Olamilekan Jimoh
Advance Everyday life at best.

Saturday, 20 February 2016


Bounce with people who are relevant to the very best your life should be.

These are individuals who are in themselves thriving on the path leading to fulfilment of their own divine destiny.

Anyone whose life is off course may not or cannot influence your life to be on the right course.

"Wealth is in many cases, about proximity. If you hang around 4 broke guys, you’ll be the 5th." _Jared Greer.

Reason being that; their status and lifestyle would not inspire, challenge, stretch and push you to strive for financial success.

In clear terms, if you hang around toxic or negative people, you become the next.

Remember, "whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but companion of fools suffer harm." _ Proverbs 13:20.

The truth is: whoever you share intimacy with deposites a measure of himself/herself in you. People cannot influence you contrarily to their capacity. Nobody gives what he/she lack.

However, connecting with people who are relevant to your life success required you to be willing and passionate about leading a successful life in the first place. Then, if you share intimacy with the best, your life would not be short of excellence.

What you are passionate about and willing to make of your life determines who you shares intimacy with.

_Stephen Olamilekan Jimoh
Advance Everyday

Saturday, 13 February 2016



It is okay at birth through to infancy and childhood for anyone to be taken care of with other people's hard earned money. However, wisdom requires us to be diligent at attracting/making money as we come of age.

Everybody that knows how to spend money should know how to make more money.

If you often need money to do many things, build capacity to honourably attract money.

Money making, money management and money multiplication skill is one major skill no one should lack not to become liability or nuisance and miserable.

Never wait until you need money before you start making move. Money making should be a way of life and the means should be legitimate.

Mind you, don't limit yourself to attracting small figures; strive to always earn mind blowing cash. Your appetite for riches should be huge. To often make more money makes merry. The process may be very demanding but it worth it.

Lest I forget, if you want to be rich, you need to have (at least) a work; a means of rendering and exchanging value added services and products for cash. In addition, multiple sources of income whilst providing solutions to people's needs, will do you more good.

Make the money! Spread the gist!
Make the money is the gist that somebody need to know right now.

_Stephen Olamilekan Jimoh
Advance Everyday